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HydroCal In Depth

Healthwest Team

Updated: Mar 11, 2022


Calcium is vital for the formation of strong bones and teeth and is important in the maintenance of regular heartbeat and the transmission of nerve impulses. Calcium is also important for the maintenance of healthy brain function.

Necessary for muscle growth and for the prevention of muscle cramps, this important mineral is also essential in blood clotting, helping to lower blood pressure and prevention of loss of bone density associated with osteoporosis.

Calcium provides energy and participates in the protein structuring of ribonucleic acid (RNA) and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). It is also involved in the activation of several enzymes including Lipase. Calcium protects the bones and teeth from lead by inhibiting absorption of this toxic metal. A calcium deficiency will allow lead to be absorbed by the body and deposited in the teeth and bones. This may account for the higher levels of lead in children who have a higher incidence of cavities.

A calcium deficiency may also result in the following symptoms:

Muscle cramps, nervousness, heart palpitations, brittle nails, eczema, hypertension, aching joints, increased cholesterol levels, rheumatoid arthritis, tooth decay, insomnia, rickets, and numbness in the arms and/or legs.

Calcium is more effective when taken at night, as it also promotes a sound sleep. Female athletes and women experiencing menopause need greater amounts of calcium due to lower oestrogen levels.

Approximately one-third of all women will be affected by Osteoporosis. Will you be one of the unlucky ones?

This debilitating disease often is only noticed after you experience a fracture or break from a minor incident.

Women, more than men, are prone as they age. This is because, during menopause, the body produces more oestrogen, which can lead to increased calcium leaching from the skeleton. When our diet is deficient in calcium, the bones will suffer as the body takes what it needs to perform other functions.


Magnesium is a vital catalyst in enzyme activity, especially those involved in energy production. It is pivotal in the body’s calcium and potassium assimilation.

Magnesium deficiency can interfere with the transmission of nerve and muscle impulses often causing irritability and nervousness. Supplementing your diet with magnesium may help in the prevention of depression, dizziness, muscle weakness, twitching and PMS. Magnesium helps prevent the calcification of soft tissue.

This essential mineral may protect the arterial lining from stress caused by sudden blood pressure changes and play a role in the formation of bones.

It is important to note that magnesium does not need calcium to be readily absorbed, but calcium requires magnesium at a 2:1 mineral ratio for optimum benefits to be realised.

Many calcium tablet and powder supplements do not have this essential ratio and are not bio-available.

Magnesium supplements are recommended for sports people and those with an active lifestyle.

Magnesium is vital to enzyme activity. It assists in calcium and potassium uptake. Muscle and leg cramps are usually due to dietary, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, particularly of calcium, potassium, magnesium and vitamins D and B6; it could also be the body’s inability to assimilate these nutrients from the diet.

Symptoms of such cramps are usually aggravated at night or when inactive. Supplementing the diet with magnesium may assist in the prevention of nervous tension, dizziness, muscle weakness, twitching, cramps and spasms.

Human volunteers on diets deficient in magnesium have developed twitching and tremors in many muscles.

Magnesium also plays an important role in regulating heart and blood pressure and aid in maintaining proper pH balance. This essential mineral protects the arterial lining from stress caused by sudden blood pressure changes and plays a role in the formation of bone and in carbohydrate and mineral metabolism.

Magnesium helps reduce and dissolve calcium phosphate stone.

Magnesium supplementation has been shown to relieve menstrual and premenstrual symptoms including mood changes and breast tenderness. A number of studies conducted on PMS concluded: Magnesium deficiency to be strongly implicated as a causative factor in premenstrual syndrome.

For the body to recognize these elements and gain optimum benefit they must be available in ionic form or they pass through the system with little effect. This advantage is not seen in capsules, caplets or chewing forms of calcium such as antacids as they first need to be processed by the stomach to be converted into an ionic form before being useful nutrients.

Many times these forms of calcium pass directly through the stomach and bowl system with little or no absorption.

Trace elements such as copper, zinc and manganese are co-factors in metabolic processes involving collagen and bone as well as immune system function. Copper is essential for normal bone synthesis. Copper supplementation may reduce the risk of bone loss associated with osteoporosis.


For those who experience constipation, the magnesium in Hydro-Cal may assist in regulating and softening your bowel movement.


Inulin can be partially digested by intestinal bacteria to form FructoOligoSaccharides, or FOS, which stimulates the growth and activity of beneficial bacteria in the gut. This hinders the growth of harmful bacteria and thus prevents some common digestive ailments.

Inulin has a mildly sweet taste and foods with inulin are recommended for people with diabetes, as it does not raise blood sugar levels.

Inulin significantly increases the absorption of calcium and magnesium from food by making the digestive system more efficient.


Helps boosts immunity, helps skin problems (pimples) to clear and is reported to increase fertility in men.


Copper is reported to help in the prevention of greying hair and prematurely ageing skin.


These two act to assist the effective and rapid absorption of calcium by the bones.


Aloes Vera’s properties are well documented and are included in Hydro-Cal. Horsetail is a rich source of Silica, essential for building healthy hair and nails.


Adults: mix two [2] level teaspoons in approximately 200ml water (small glass), stir for 30 seconds and drink.

Children under 12: mix one [1] level teaspoon in approximately 100 - 150ml water, stir for 30 seconds and drink.


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